The Remains of Tlemcen

The historic site of Mansura is a place to visit during your stay in Tlemcen. Currently there is only the northern and western parts of the walls and the mosque.

The walls of a development of four meters, delineated an area of ​​100 ha. Adobe, 1.50 m thick and 12 m high, flanked by 80 towers, they have nearly disappeared in the east and south.

Mansura mosque was built around 130 3 by Sultan Abu Yacoub. At his death the construction is suspended and resumed when the year 1336.
family: Times, Times New Roman, serif;">The mosque occupies a rectangle 60 meters wide and 86 meters long. The main entrance of the mosque is located at the base of the minaret. The courtyard is a square of side 30 meters. The walls are 1.50 meters thick made ​​of flint pink.





At 70 kilometers west of Algiers, on the coast road Tipasa occupies a site that has hardly changed since antiquity.
A short distance from the massive Chenoua, which houses the side of the West, on three promontories, separated by deep bays at the foot hills of moderate to close the horizon to the south, the ancient city extended along sea ​​about 1500 meters.
If one has only meager information Tipasa, this is essentially what archaeological research have only started around 1895 - unfortunately too late to prevent much destruction and vandalism.
In 1859, according to an official document four lime kilns operated on the old city.
The first methodical excavations were made in 1891 by Stéphane Gsell and Abbe Saint-Gérand. They were interrupted rather abruptly with the death of the latter and it was only in 1913 that the Department of Historical Monuments undertook a more research followed on this site.
Since then, they have continued with some regularity and several monuments testify today on the importance and interest as soon vestiges of the ancient city. 


Oran coastline enjoys a coastal exceptional during your stay you will find a wide range of allowable range for swimming. We'll see a little closer some beaches in the region of Oran. Let's start first by the cornice of Oran.
The cornice is located a few kilometers west of the city of Oran, is the favorite destination of tourists and Oran is located in the region of Oran. The cornice Oran has a multitude of beautiful beaches that you will happily forgotten in the space of your stay, days spent working during the year.
The beaches of Cornwall extend over a distance of about ten kilometers, the most famous are undoubtedly the beaches Corales, the Andalusians, Bousfer during your stay you can participate in various activities during the hot summer days, the evening is not without rest since the clubs are the most reputed at the cornice.
The cornice also has a multitude of private beaches and totally secure, ideal if you want to spend a quiet day with the family. Several beaches offers rental jet ski and pedalo hire. Dairies, restaurants, cafeteria abound to the ledge.
You also get a wide range of hotels to spend your stay, prices are multiple and practice can make the right choice according to your budget. Holiday villas with individual are possible if previously having done some research to give you an idea of ​​prices according to the different beaches of Cornwall.
Complexes with exclusively villas you will find the ideal holiday villa fully equipped and conveniently located so you can be close to the beach.
This type of rental is recommended for those not wishing to take any steps to search for villa for rent. The choice of the cornice thus proved a wise choice if you want to have a great holiday at the sea, because the presense significant tourism infrastructure is such that you have everything at your disposal for your comfort.